with Causal ML

Integrate causal ML-powered optimisation into your application stack

ML that understands how to improve your outcomes

Causal ML is the only AI that holistically understands how systems work, and tells you the best actions to take to improve outcomes.

  • Optimal actions that increase margins, reduce waste, & build trust.
  • Truly explainable AI by design.
  • No need for large datasets with our efficient Bayesian causal algorithms.
Learn more

Simple integration into your software

Our platform is engineered to be simple, easy-to-use, and fast. We handle the complexities so your team can focus on what matters.
  • Build, deploy, and manage in a few lines of code.
  • Cloud-native with no overheads.
  • Integrate into your software stack using our flexible SDK & API.


CausaDB is a fully-featured platform to build causal ML into your applications


CausaDB is designed to be integrated quickly and easily without expertise in any layer of your stack.


No need to configure or manage your own servers. We handle all infrastructure on our cloud.


Plug in to CausaDB from popular environments like Python, Node, and with a REST API.

Best Actions

Find the optimal actions to achieve a goal, even when there are complex constraints.

Simulate Actions

Simulate the outcomes of possible actions before they're taken.


Adaptive experiments that stop as soon as you have enough data to make the right choice.

Custom Plans

Customisable plans to suit your organisational needs - from startup to enterprise.

Whatever plan you choose, we assign a dedicated expert to help you get the most from CausaDB.


Cloud-native package that scales with your team. All the features you need to get started with causal ML optimisation in the cloud. Discuss with us how we can help you get started.

Contact Us
  • Full access to CausaDB
  • Production-ready resources
  • Email & video call support
  • Implementation support
  • Optional submodule add-ons


Enterprise grade cloud+ package that fits the needs of large organisations.
Get support in building models and integrating them with your apps and systems, or have us build a custom app for you.

Contact Us
  • Full access to CausaDB
  • Production-ready resources
  • Priority support
  • Dedicated support
  • User management & SSO
  • On-prem/self-hosting options
  • App building solutions


Answers to common questions

How is causal ML different from standard AI/ML?
Do I need masses of training data?
What support do you provide?
What is your pricing?
Why not use open source?

Ready to Transform Your Software?

Talk to one of our experts today.


Partnering with

Twin Path LogoYork Angels LogoArise Health logoOE logoThe Paak logo
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